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Showing posts from July, 2019

What is Enterprise Architecture Practice

Introduction There are many definitions of Enterprise Architecture (EA) on the market. Different people have different understandings about it. When I presented Enterprise Architecture and Business Innovation & Transformation in an international conference of The Open Group, I asked the audience: how many of you think you know the definition of Enterprise Architecture. There are about 90% of them raised hands. Then I asked: how many of you think you and your colleagues’ share a same understanding of Enterprise Architecture, there are about 40-50% of them raised hands. When I asked: how many of you think you and your managers share a same understanding of Enterprise Architecture, only about 10-20% of people raised hands. Then I asked: how many of you think you and your companies’ executives share a same understanding of Enterprise Architecture, only few people raised hands, about 1-2%. Generally, companies have some key players in their enterprise architecture practices(EAP), suc...